Thursday, October 2, 2014

7 down!

Well, my first weigh in last week was a success! I lost 7 pounds!  YAY!  I am really happy with that. I could have done better on some things, but this is about learning and a journey t a healthy life, I'm not going to be perfect all the time.

I missed my meeting this week, so I need to be accountable here to you guys.  I weighed in yesterday afternoon and had lost about 3 pounds.  So that would be a total of 10 which is awesome.  I may be able to make a meeting tonight, but I'm not sure.  I missed the meeting yesterday afternoon because of a meeting for work. DUMB!  I was worried about my weigh-in a little bit because I had an unexpected trip up to Utah this last week.  I found out that a close friend of mine decided to leave this Earth.  So, I packed up and flew there to pay respect and say goodbye.  It was a really hard week.  I did my best to stay on plan, and I definitely did better than I would have if I hadn't joined WW.  This thing I struggled with most was Healthy Checks- I stayed in my point range, but was only getting 2-3 fruits and veggies, and no milk.  I did get my healthy fats in- isn't that the easy one.... haha 

Anyway, my new week starts today and I need to be focused. I didn't gain, but I didn't lose much either. I know that the WW scale weighs me a little heavier than mine at home, so I maybe lost 1 pound.  I GOTTA be good this week. I want a bigger loss.

My goals for this week :

  • EAT ALL 5 of my Fruits and Veggies!!!
  • Start taking a daily Vitamin
  • do my Yoga DVD at least 1 day this week
  • MILK / Calcium pill
I hope that everyone has a good week! 

What are your goals this week?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

1st meeting.

Well, today was FINALLY my first meeting. I am appalled at the number on the scale.  I don't think I'm brave enough to post the start weight yet, but I'm sure I will soon.  I am planning on taking a before picture tomorrow or Friday and I will post that ASAP.

Our meeting today was about Success Stories and our motivation strategies.

How people felt at the beginning of their journey- well, since this is the beginning of my journey- I am at the heaviest I have EVER been and I feel WORSE than I have ever felt.  I want to have a better quality of life.  I want to be able to LIVE and to do all the things that I dream about.

Right now, I am tired all the time.  I have lousy sleep.  My confidence is low.  I know that something has to change, or I will die young.  Quite frankly- I am terrified.  I don't want this time at Weight Watchers to be like the other times I starter- I gave up.  I want this to be forever. I want to be changed. I want to in 4 years from now- be SO healthy and SO happy that I started- TODAY.

I walked into my first WW meeting in 2006.  Back then, I weighed 60 lbs less than I do now, and at my lightest I was 80 lbs lighter than I am now.  That is so frustrating. Had I just stuck with it these last 8 years...... I would be healthy and happy, and LIVING.  But, I'm not.  I chose food over life.  I chose food.  i don't want to choose my addiction to food over my goals anymore.  So- I won't.  Today is the LAST day I will ever see that number on the scale.  Once woman in my group tonight talked about taking the journey one week at a time, and another woman said 5 at a time. 5 pounds at a time.  NOT the big picture, but the tiny win.  The 5 here and there.  My favorite quote of the night was "New Numbers."  She said, "All I want is new numbers."  That's what I want.  new numbers.  Smaller numbers. I'm ready.  I think that this blogging business will also help with my ability to stay motivated. I am tracking every step of this process.

My future starts today. My today changes my tomorrow and the kind of years I will have 2015, 2016, 2017.  

What motivates you?  Where are you in your journey?  How did you feel at the beginning of your weight loss story?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

reasons why :

So, I've been told to write down all the reasons why I want to lose weight no matter how silly they are so that when i am having a hard day I can look back and remember- okay this is why.  I am going to try to be very transparent here in the blogger world.  I don't have any idea who is reading this, if anyone, but I guess this is a place for me to write, and feel free, and honest, and not be worrying who is judging me-  This is MY JOURNEY to finding myself, and seeing myself how I want to be seen.

OKAY- reason why I want to lose weight :
  • I want to be healthy!  Yes, I want to look and feel good, but that's not necessarily for "BEAUTY". 
  • I want to feel confident in my skin.
  • Know the seat belt is going to fit. (rides, planes, cars)
  • Fit in the booth at a restaurant without out being squished.
  • Buy clothes in ANY store- not just stores with a plus size section.
  • I want to be able to RUN a mile without stopping.
  • Be noticed by guys- not just for looks, but given the chance to actually show people who I really am.
  • Date
  • CONFIDENCE. My weight holds me back in MANY aspects of my life. 
  • Be in pictures and not hate them
  • BE that health nut.
  • Conquer this addiction!
  • Get a pixie haircut
  • Get myself ready to have kids
  • avoid Diabetes which runs in the family
  • lower my blood pressure
  • not be ashamed and scared to go to the Doctor for a checkup
  • Make the Ghana life easier. (I want to go again, for a longer time)

    I know there are more reasons, but these are just some that I can think of right now.  Thanks for reading and for being supportive! 
:-) N

Let the Journey Begin.... or Continue.

Well, here's the thing.  I'm 24 years old.  Overweight, and sick of it.
I've recently moved back to California which is where I grew up.  The last 5 years I was living up in Provo, Utah for school.  I graduated in May with my BA in Deaf Studies Education with a teaching credential for Secondary ASL as a foreign Language. I'm actually teaching as a Deaf Ed teacher in the High School I graduated from in 2008!  It's been a trip to be back here.

Here's the reason why I decided to blog.  Since my freshman year of High School I've gained about 100 pounds.  I've gained and lost and gained some more, and lost a little and gained and lost and gained and lost.  This has been my life story since high school.  I feel like this is the new chapter of my life, and i want it to be good.  I just graduated from college, started my career, and it's just TIME.

The move has been really hard on me, and I have gotten back into some BAD habits.  At this point, I haven't weighed myself in about a month.  I don't even want to get on the scale.  I'm devastated at where I am at with my health- but that's why I'm here. I have to get started.  I am motivated to keep this blog up and share with you guys everything I am going through.  In a year from now I can't wait to look back and see how far I've come.

I'm planning to start Weight Watchers. Again.  It will only be the 4th time I've joined, don't worry about it.  but I am going to make this time the LAST time.  I am joining and I am going to go to every meeting and stay focused.  I am motivated to be the change.

I guess that's it for this first post.  I'll be posting a before picture, and some reasons why I want to lose weight.  Cheers to the next part of life!